The Leadership Coaching Program, first piloted in fall 2022 helps Fellows accelerate their development after graduation, come to a greater understanding of themselves, and build skills to overcome a specific leadership challenge they might be facing.

Possible goals include:

  • Reflecting on your leadership style,
  • Setting clear expectations for a team,
  • Improving a working environment,
  • Handling conflict, and
  • Increasing productivity through a shift in focus.


Blackburn staff selected two internationally certified leadership coaches to provide participants with six, virtual or in-person, 1hr skill building sessions that target their leadership development goals

The first session involves setting the norms of the coaching relationship, analyzing a pre-assessment, and setting goals. In the following sessions, the coach and participant work toward achieving those goals with possible homework assigned between sessions.


Whereas leadership coaching typically costs up to $300 per hour, participants (or their employers) will only pay $100 for the first session directly to the coach. All remaining charges will be paid for by the Institute as a way for Blackburn to fulfill its lifetime commitment to our Fellows.

Application Timeline

  • Applications open: Summer.
  • Application deadline: Early August
  • Application review: Blackburn staff and leadership coaches select the coachees and match them with coaches in August.
  • Notification: Coachees are notified of their status and, if selected, introduced to their coach post-Annual Symposium.
  • Coaching sessions: The coach and coachee meet for six sessions during the fall according to their schedules.

2023 Leadership Coaching Testimonials

2022 Leadership Coaching Testimonials